Inclusive Fellowships

The Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC) stands for educational equity. Our student-run and student-initiated programs [created by students, for students] foster holistic, academic and personal development while raising political and cultural awareness for youth and college students. We educate, engage, and empower students to act as dynamic leaders for their communities so that we can all transform knowledge into action.

Community Advocate for Liberatory Retention 

Fellowship Description

The SRRC Community Advocate for Liberatory Retention provides students with a unique leadership opportunity to develop and coordinate retention strategies, initiatives and projects to support the undocumented and mixed status student population at UC Davis in at least one of the following areas per quarter throughout the 2024-2025 academic year: 

  • Academic Excellence: Providing academic support and personal development opportunities for the student undocu community
  • Mentorship: Coordinating a mentorship program for undocumented students
  • Cultural Identity: Co-coordinating empowerment events or activities for the student community to expand intersectional support related to racial/ ethnic and/or im/migration experiences
  • Community Development: Co-hosting quarterly social/community development events for the undocu student community
  • Health & Wellness: Promoting the wellbeing of both physical and mental health, sharing health & wellness resources
  • Leadership Development: Sharing leadership opportunities and resources with the undocu community
  • Life After College Success: Co-hosting a Pathway to Graduate School workshop with a partnering community program, alumni, and/or graduate/professional school students who are connected to the SRRC
  • Gender & Sexuality: Facilitating spaces that are inclusive and welcoming of all identities and which encouraging the understanding of multiple, intersectional identities

Additionally, the Community Advocate for Liberatory Retention will:

  • Work closely with SRRC staff to develop projects, programs, or research ideas (ex. Creating budgets and proposals for all events/programming)
  • Cultivate and sustain relationships with campus and community partners engaging in retention advocacy (AB540, UndocSN, SPEAK, USC)
  • Collaborate with SRRC peers to enhance support and community building through joint efforts
  • Assess, address, educate, and advocate for the issues and intersectional needs of students within Black, Indigenous, and/or Global Majority communities
  • Assist in coordinating engagement opportunities to raise awareness of the Center’s history, vision and framework of student-led, student-run activism
  • Lead a dialogue/workshop series or other creative engagement project that addresses issues of retention as related to the communities we serve and empowers community to “transform knowledge into action”  
  • Serve as a member of the SRRC team, participating in all opportunities to support the services and operations of the center

Community Advocate Expectations:

  • Must be a full-time registered student at the University of California, Davis and be in good academic standing [quarterly and cumulatively] 
  • Professionally represent the Student Recruitment and Retention Center and be able to articulate its mission, vision, goals, and resources
  • Must be willing to engage in SRRC activities and trainings throughout the academic year including occasional evenings and weekends (except for school breaks)
  • Understands and is responsive to the intersectional needs of BIPOC undocu students.
  • Engage in 10-15 hours per week throughout the academic year 
  • Attend weekly retention committee meetings and/or support spaces 
  • Attend weekly meetings with the Retention Chair and/or RROC representative
  • Adhere to the Principles of Community as well as all university and departmental policies

Learning Outcomes (“By participating in this internship, you will be able to...”): 

  • Gain proficiency in organizational infrastructure and human resource processes (selections, application management, training, etc.)
  • Build and participate within a network of students, local schools, and organizations that will sustain a network of support for participants
  • Build skills using social media platforms
  • Build skills in analyzing and implementing effective educational outreach, engagement, and marketing approaches catering to prospective students within the communities we serve
  • Increase experience and comfort with public speaking and professional engagement
  • Increase ability to engage and communicate individually and as part of a team

Our Center’s Support for the Learning Outcomes:

  • Robust training to equip fellows with the necessary knowledge, awareness, and skills to develop resources and implement retention projects
  • Weekly 1:1 support from career staff to provide holistic advising, coaching, and guidance
  • Embedded network of peer visionaries and community care practitioners available to support, enhance and co-create community advocacy efforts
  • Weekly seminar check-ins with SRRC Retention Committee to build community and engage in professional development
  • Weekly check-ins with the Retention Chair who serves as this role’s primary representative in RROC
  • Connection to a network of campus staff trained in holistic support for individual enrichment and programmatic collaborations
  • Financial resources to create and develop events, programs, and resources to support BIPOC students at UC Davis

Community Advocate Compensation 

This is a one-year commitment. Engagement of 10-15 hours per week may receive up to $7,000 in inclusive fellowship stipend based on the selected individual’s financial aid budget. Funds will be dispersed across fall, winter, and spring quarters. We will provide more details once the position is offered. 

Community Advocate for Access and Outreach

Fellowship Description

The SRRC Community Advocate for Access and Outreach provides students with a unique leadership opportunity to promote and support academic preparation, leadership development and cultural enrichment activities for undocu/mixed status non-college tracked youth and community college students (k-12 & community college). This role aims to further the SRRC’s vision to serve as a vehicle of liberation by:

  • Designing strategies, efforts and projects to culturally empower and progressively move undocu students towards personal and academic success
  • Informing undocu students of post-secondary opportunities available to them;
  • Promoting holistic learning to engage undocu students in the praxis of critical consciousness
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with local high schools to build awareness for the resources catering to the intersectional needs of students within Black, Indigenous, and/or Global Majority communities.
  • Serve as an ambassador of the SRRC to regional and campus constituencies through duties such as scheduling campus visits and tabling events
  • Assess, address, educate, and advocate for the issues and needs of BIPOC undocu students
  • Serve as a member of the SRRC team, participating in all opportunities to support the services and operations of the center

Additionally, the SRRC Community Advocate for Access and Outreach will:

  • Work closely with SRRC staff to develop projects, programs, or research ideas (ex.Creating budgets and proposals for all events/programming)
  • Cultivate and sustain relationships with campus and community partners (AB540, UndocSN, SPEAK, USC)
  • Collaborate with SRRC peers to enhance support and community building through joint efforts
  • Assess, address, educate, and advocate for the issues and intersectional needs of students within Black, Indigenous, and/or Global Majority communities.
  • Assist in coordinating engagement opportunities to raise awareness of the Center’s history, vision and framework of student-led, student-run activism.
  • Lead a dialogue/workshop series or other creative engagement project that addresses issues of recruitment as related to the communities we serve and empowers community to “transform knowledge into action.”  
  • Serve as a member of the SRRC team, participating in all opportunities to support the services and operations of the center

Intern Expectations:

  • Must be a full-time registered student at the University of California, Davis and be in good academic standing [quarterly and cumulatively] 
  • Professionally represent the Student Recruitment and Retention Center and be able to articulate its mission, vision, goals, and resources
  • Must be willing to engage in SRRC activities and trainings throughout the academic year including occasional evenings and weekends (except for school breaks)
  • Understands and is responsive to the intersectional needs of BIPOC students.
  • Engage in 10-15 hours per week throughout the academic year 
  • Attend weekly recruitment committee meetings and/or support spaces 
  • Attend weekly meetings with Recruitment Chair and/or RROC representative
  • Adhere to the Principles of Community as well as all university and departmental policies

Learning Outcomes (“By participating in this internship, you will be able to...”): 

  • Gain proficiency in organizational infrastructure and human resource processes (selections, application management, training, etc.)
  • Build and participate within a network of students, local schools and organizations that will sustain a network of support for participants
  • Build skills analyzing and implementing effective educational outreach, engagement, and marketing approaches catering to prospective students within the communities we serve
  • Increase experience and comfort with public speaking and professional engagement
  • Increase ability to engage and communicate individually and as part of a team

Our Center’s Support for the Learning Outcomes:

  • Robust training to equip fellows with the necessary knowledge, awareness, and skills to develop resources and implement retention projects
  • 1:1 support from career staff to provide holistic advising and guidance
  • Weekly seminar check-ins with SRRC Recruitment Committee to build community and engage in professional development
  • Weekly check-ins with the Recruitment Chair who serves as this role’s primary representative in RROC
  • Financial resources to create and develop events, programs, and resources to support BIPOC students at UC Davis
  • Connection to trained campus staff providing holistic support for individual enrichment and programmatic collaborations


Community Advocate Compensation 

This is a one-year commitment. Engagement of 10-15 hours per week may receive up to $7,000 in inclusive fellowship stipend based on the selected individual’s financial aid budget. Funds will be dispersed across fall, winter, and spring quarters. We will provide more details once the position is offered.